A downloadable JdR/TTRPG

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Sodalitas : (Latin, f) Sodalité, camaraderie.

(English-reading friends, please scroll down.)

Sodalitas est un jeu de rôle en une page (et quelque) écrit et illustré par Jan Van Houten, édité et mis en page par Nicolas Folliot. Ces règles ont été conçues et testées sur des parties courtes avec beaucoup de joueurs enthousiastes, et sont accompagnées de personnages prêts-à-jouer et tout ce qu’il faut pour jouer.

  • Une création d'aventuriers en 4 mots…
  • … autour d'une guilde et sa devise ;
  • Des règles simples pour faire avancer l'aventure…
  • … qui mettent en avant l'entraide et les décisions collégiales ;
  • 8 aventuriers déjà créés pour commencer à jouer très vite…
  • … et un système d'évolution de la guilde pour continuer les aventures !

Tout ceci tient à l'origine dans 4 pages, mais de nombreux bonus viennent s'ajouter au fur et à mesure des versions (actuellement 1.5) :

  • BONUS 1.5 : Une page d'accueil/sommaire cliquable
  • Les règles (BONUS 1.5 : ajustements et ajout d'un glossaire)
  • L'évolution et la fiche de guilde
  • Les fiches d'aventuriers (BONUS 1.5 : 2 nouveaux formats de fiches avec plus et encore plus de place pour dessiner)
  • 8 camarades prêtes pour l'aventure
  • BONUS 1.5 : Une guilde pré-illustrée
  • BONUS 1.1 : Un pack de figurantes à utiliser seules ou en tant que guilde concurrente
  • AIDE BONUS 1.5 : Une fiche d'aventurier remplissable (PDF interactif)
  • AIDE BONUS 1.5 : Une fiche de guilde remplissable (PDF interactif)

Le contenu de Sodalitas est enrichi au gré de l'inspiration de son auteur Jan Van Houten, grâce à des extensions qui proposeront de nouveaux contenus et outils, comme par exemple : une guilde concurrente de figurantes à mettre dans les pattes des aventuriers (Les Collectionneurs dans la V1.1), une liste d'obstacles tout prêts, un monument aux aventuriers disparus, des règles en dix pages pour la gestion des véhicules, un système de combat naval… Ces extensions sont ajoutées gratuitement sur cette page pour toutes celles et ceux qui ont acheté le jeu.

Ces règles sont compatibles avec toutes sortes de modules de jeu de rôle, mais si vous voulez en profiter pour découvrir des aventures spécialement créées dans l'esprit de Sodalitas, il y a ces Aventures en une page.

Vous êtes éducatrice ou éducateur ?

Sodalitas et les Aventures en une page ont été conçues entre autres pour vous, et nous souhaitons que vous puissiez y faire jouer le plus d'enfants possible, alors pour vous c'est gratuit si vous le souhaitez ! Envoyez simplement un message à education@jdr.cool pour vous présenter.

Quelques mots de l'auteur Jan Van Houten

Ce jeu est né de la jam Donjons pour débutants et de mon besoin de proposer un jeu simple mais « carré » pour mon club de JdR. Nos sessions font 55 minutes, j’ai régulièrement 7/8 joueurs très enthousiastes et imaginatifs, donc j'ai dû m'adapter et développer des méthodes appropriées.

Je remercie chaleureusement:

  • Ma moitié qui a eu la bonne idée de m’offrir une tablette graphique, et fait preuve d’une patience exemplaire quand il faut choisir entre deux images différentes de trois pixels ;
  • Les gens de Twitter et du Discord cestpasdujdr. Notamment Côme MartinGuillaume Jentey et Martin Lefebvre pour leur relecture en profondeur;
  • Les élèves et leur accueil bien trop enthousiaste de mes idées loufoques.

Et un dernier mot pour les fontes

Ce jeu a été mis en page à l'aide de fontes libres :


Sodalitas: (Latin) Sodality, comradery.

Sodalitas is a one page (and some) tabletop roleplaying game, written and illustrated by Jan Van Houten, edited and laid out by Nicolas Folliot. These rules have been designed and tested for short sessions with many enthusiastic players, and are here presented with ready-to-play adventurers and everything you need to play.

  • Adventurers' creation in 4 words…
  • ... around a guild and its motto;
  • Simple rules to move the adventure forward…
  • … which emphasize mutual aid and collegial decisions;
  • 8 ready-to-play adventurers to dive right away…
  • … and a guild evolution system to keep the adventures going!

It used to fit in 4 pages,  but many extras come with new versions (currently 1.5):

  • BONUS 1.5: A welcoming / clickable TOC page
  • The rules (BONUS 1.5: tweaks and addition of a glossary)
  • The guild sheet and evolution rules
  • The adventurers sheets (BONUS 1.5: 2 new sheets formats with extra and extra-extra room to draw)
  • 8 comrades ready for adventure
  • BONUS 1.5: A pre-illustrated guild
  • BONUS 1.1: Extras to use on their own or as a competing guild
  • HANDOUT BONUS 1.5: A fillable adventurer sheet (interactive PDF)
  • HANDOUT BONUS 1.5: A fillable guild sheet (interactive PDF)

The content of Sodalitas is being enriched as inspiration strikes its author Jan Van Houten, with extensions that offer new content and tools, such as an extras rival guild to be placed on the adventurers' paths (The Collectors in V1.1), a list of ready-made obstacles, a monument to fallen adventurers, a ten-page rule set for vehicle management, a naval combat system… These extensions are added for free on this page for all those who have bought the game.

These rules are compatible with all kinds of role-playing modules, but if you want the opportunity to discover adventures created in the spirit of Sodalitas, check out these Adventures on a single page .

Are you an educator?

Sodalitas, as the Adventures on a single page, have been designed for you, and we want you to be able to get as many children playing as possible, so you can get the game for free if you want! Just send a message to education@jdr.cool to introduce yourself.

A few words from the author Jan Van Houten

This project was born out of a French "Dungeons for Beginners" jam coupled to my need for simple but efficient game for my TTRPG club. Our sessions are 55 minutes long, I regularly have 7/8 very enthusiastic and imaginative players at the table, so I had to adapt and develop reliable methods.

I warmly thank:

  • My partner, who had the good idea of offering me a graphic tablet, and shows exemplary patience when I have to choose between two images only three pixels apart;
  • People of Twitter and the cestpasdujdr Discord. In particular Côme Martin, Guillaume Jentey, and Martin Lefebvre for their in-depth review and advices;
  • My students and their over-enthusiastic reception of my goofy ideas.

One last word on fonts

This game was laid out using free fonts:


Buy Now$4.00 USD or more

In order to download this JdR/TTRPG you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4 USD. You will get access to the following files:

SODALITAS 1.5 version française 3.3 MB
SODALITAS 1.5 english version 3.2 MB
Fiche de guilde interactive 105 kB
Interactive Guild Sheet 104 kB

Download demo

Fiche d'aventurier interactive 105 kB
Interactive Adventurer Sheet 128 kB

Development log


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Hi there, regarding “Doing” and “step 1: Their player asks a question that can only be answered with yes or no”… why not just let them state what they want to do? Is Ian example as simple as them saying “Can I swing at the locked chest with my hammer?” I’m just confused as to the gameplay reason for needing the player’s action to be framed as a yes/no question.

Thank you :)

(1 edit)

Hi ! Sorry for not responding earlier ich is not always the best at showing us notification.

Framing the action as a yes/no question is a good way to make sure everybody understand the situation. And when playing with children, it can be a usefull way to frame their action.

But you're righ is a bit cumbersome to do it each time. We are changing this part of the rules is the next version of the game.

It should be out in 1d6+1 month.


I am planning on trying out this game for a couple of kids in my community during the autumn, and was wondering if you would mind if I translated the game (or at least parts of it) into Swedish? I am mainly after the rules, pre-made characters and "Adventures on a single page". 

Will of course send you the completed translation, and not distribiute the game any further than to the handful of kids i aim to play this with! 

Hi! Sorry for letting you hang, itch is not good at notifying about comments. You're obviously free to do what you want and need with this game and our adventures in your private circle! But we could probably chat about that if you still want to, I know we'd be happy to. Just send an email at bonjour@jdr.cool 📬


J'ai animé un atelier "initiation au jeu de rôle" dans ma bibliothèque, ouvert aux 10 ans et plus. Je n'ai eu que trois inscriptions. Le jeu est très vite pris en main et expliqué (en moins de 5 min, les jeunes faisaient déjà leur personnage). Bilan : Kassrohl, aspirant barde au chant crissant mais aux douces paroles (et à la mandoline blindée), Malfom, mage douée mais peureuse et Hergalor, barde elfique aux couteaux affutés sont allés récupéré un oeuf de dragon dans les thermes de l'archimage. Beaucoup de rires, des idées brillantes (ils ont persuadés l'alchimiste ennemi de rejoindre leur guilde), des dilemmes moraux (peut-on faire confiance à l'alchimiste ? Va-t-on laissé en plan l'esprit de l'eau, on lui a promis de le ramener à sa maman !). L'aventure a pris un peu moins de deux heures, les jeunes ont adorés. Merci ! Ce jeu est top pour des débutants et ils ont déjà envie de monter un club !

Je recommande chaudement ! 


I played Sodalitas with my 3yo, and it ended up going really well!  I can see this being a great system for kids of all ages and for use either at home or at school since the mechanics are easy to pick up, and it promotes great teamwork skills.  Check out my full review here too!



Sodalitas is an RPG aimed at a big group of new players, with sessions under an hour each. This fantasy RPG is centred on a guild the players belong to. It uses a PbtA-esque mechanic, with an elegant design that is well suited for beginners.

dont know if ppl have humour, but seeing olaf reminded me of this. lol

I tend to think our game shows we're not too serious. I feel bad for all the Olafs in the world though, hopefully they don't get a version of that clip every time they introduce themselves :)

I have absolutely no idea how to play this with my children. Where to start? What to do? I am totally lost... 

Would be great if there were any examples on how to play.


The game was made for experienced GM to play with children in school or club.  But you're right we should add examples and tools to help people new to the hobby.
We plan to do so in the next version. But it's still in progress.

(1 edit)

Hey 0ffb1t, just wanted to double-check your feedback, to make sure janvanhouten and I are going in the right direction: have you ever played/read any tabletop roleplaying game before? If so, what did you find confusing about Sodalitas rules?

(1 edit)

Hi you two, 

first of all: thank you for the quick reply. 

last time I played a roleplaying game only with pen and paper was shadowrun. And that is over 20 years ago. And that was not tabletop. (That means that you make actual movements with tiny figures of the heroes and the enemies, doesn't it?) 

Besides that I have played a lot of RPGs on the PC. But I guess that doesn't count. 

Alright so… "tabletop" is a misleading word in this context, especially since so many people play online these days. I almost got rid of it in my answer but I thought "roleplaying" alone could be misleading too, since it gets used for video games too.

Anyway, the answer is yes, Shadowrun is absolutely a (tabletop) roleplaying game, with or without figures, battle maps and other props some use to play. If I may paraphrase our own glossary (Sodalitas page 2):

[A roleplaying game is] a social game in which we tell a story together by playing characters.

We tried to keep it to the core there, but it really is just this, telling a story, which can take many forms (in some games you don't even play characters but draw a map, telling its story). Basically, if we're talking about Sodalitas, the referee starts by setting a scene involving the players' characters, maybe ask the players a question, so they answer by saying what their characters do, maybe ask questions, then the referee answer questions, maybe tell what happens in the environment, or what non-player characters do (we call them extras here), and then… I hope you get it: it's mostly a conversation, sometimes involving dice to see what happens, and evolving into a story enriched by everyone's inputs.

So you might want to start by reading Sodalitas rules page 2, and try creating characters with your kids—the guild creation can wait after their first adventure. Then you might have an idea for an adventure suitable for these comrades (maybe the brutal vegetarian cook heard about some magical roots in a nearby village? or the fighty brawny noble needs to help a distant cousin with a rats problem in their castle?)… or pick an adventure from Adventures On A Single Page! They're ready-to-play and easy-to-prep adventures fitting perfectly Sodalitas spirit.

Here's the link and lucky you, it's probably in your library already if you got the Bundle for Ukraine:



Thank you for your detailed guidance! 👍

I have never seen roleplaying so simple like you have described it. But it is indeed. Or that is where the magic happens and you as a player are getting sucked into the story. 

And you are right: I have purchased the ucraine bundle. So I have also the adventures on a single page ressources. 

Thank you for checking out our stuff and asking questions about it! I'd be thrilled to have convinced you to try and play these, and we'd love to hear about it from you whenever if you feel like it. Cheers!


J'adore. Bravo Jan!


Jeu extra, très adapté pour les jeunes, je l'utilise dans mon club de jdr junior !


Un excellent jeu qui m’a permis de faire découvrir le jdr à des débutants à travers des mécaniques simples et des scénarios bien pensés pendant le Game in Lab durant la Semaine du Cerveau.

Super boulot !


Un jeu bien condensé, très malin, inspirant et complet. Son design semble très bien cadré autour de la proposition "une heure, plein de mômes, go", mais ca serait une vilaine erreur de le résumer à ca. Sodalitas est clairement un jeu très réussi pour beaucoup plus de situations que celle-là.

This game packs a lot of punch, is very clever, inspiring and complete. Its design seems very well centered on the "one hour, a bunch of kids, go" concept, but it would be a bad mistake to think it's just that. Sodalitas is clearly a game that works very well in way more situations than that specific one.


Excellent jeu à la lecture. Hâte de le tester. Et les aventures sont super sympas et donnent envie également !


Un système prometteur qui semble répondre à un besoin grandissant et qui parait essentiel : intégrer le jdr en tant qu’outil éducatif dans une classe nombreuse ou simplement animer une partie courte avec un grand nombre de joueurs novices. Un outil bien pensé, d’utilité publique, qui donne envie d’oublier tout ce que l’on sait du jdr pour à nouveau tout redécouvrir avec un regard naïf et rafraichissant !